Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ithaca psychiatrist surrenders license

From the Ithaca Journal, a followup to an earlier report

An Ithaca psychiatrist has surrendered his license amid allegations of sexual physical contact with one of his patients.

The New York State Board for Professional Medical Conduct told Dr. Michael R. Glass, 63, of 1345 Slaterville Road, to surrender his medical license in an order dated Aug. 28.

According a statement of charges by the board, Glass “failed to meet accepted standards of medical care” due to actions he allegedly made toward a female patient last December.

These actions, according to the statement, included touching various parts of the patient's body, kissing the patient, hugging her, caressing her hair and telling her she was sexy, pretty and beautiful.

The statement also alleges that Glass repeatedly e-mailed and called the patient with apologies and threats of suicide.

The statement by the board specified three charges of misconduct by Glass: having contact of a sexual nature with the patient, willfully harassing, abusing or intimidating a patient either physically or verbally, and moral unfitness.

In May, Glass agreed to stop practicing pending final disposition of their investigation, according to the board. In the surrender documents, Glass said he was giving up his license on the grounds that he didn't contest the first specification.

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