Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Fake Head Shrinker Sued for Leaving Mind Unshrunken, and Endangering a Life.

As reported on NBC25 of Hagerstown, Maryland.

Less than two weeks ago a well-known ghost hunter in West Virginia was arrested and charged for allegedly posing as a licensed doctor and psychiatrist. Now a former patient of hers is taking legal action.

Lisa Schweiger is suing Susan Crites for 350 thousand dollars. She said Crites, the founder of the West Virginia Society of Ghost Hunters, fooled her into thinking she was a doctor.

Schweiger said that “Originally Susan Crites introduced herself to me as a psychiatrist. We became friends. We talked often. I had a 16-year-old daughter who was at the time being 16. She offered counseling for my daughter as well as myself.”

But when Schweiger became physically sick, she said Crites began giving her medication -- Illegally.

The two would often meet at a home at the Woods Resort in Hedgesville for therapy. Schweiger said Crites charged her $25 dollars per session.

“Everything was going fine and I didn't become suspicious until my illness progressed to a point that my friends stepped in and said, 'I think something's not right'” Schweiger commented.

According to Schweiger's legal complaint, Crites gave her pain medicine to cure what turned out to be a cancerous tumor.

Lisa goes on saying that “It was three days before my surgery to remove the football-size tumor in my left ovary that I emailed her again basically asking her why. Why would she do this to me? I thought she was a doctor.”

Crites' attorney, Heidi Myers, told NBC25 Schweiger is merely using the legal system to ruin her client's reputation.

Myers said she is defending Crites against both the criminal and civil charges brought before her. Crites is scheduled for a preliminary hearing on Thursday and Schweiger said she will be present in the courtroom.

Comments Schweiger, “I'm only seeking justice in this. I'm not the only victim in this.”

Crites could face one to 15 years in prison if convicted of supplying prescription medication without a medical license.

Schweiger refused to comment as to why she didn't do a background check on Crites before accepting her services. Susan Crites has denied all of the allegations.

If Crites is convicted, she could face up to 15 years in prison.

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