Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Pychiatric Corruption of the Legal System

Part of a much larger article on the practice of Justice in New Jersey.

Before reading this essay, the author requests that you please read the article "The Ministry of Therapy," September 25, 2005, describing the horror of a psychiatric state gone terribly wrong.

What follows is a small snippet from the article on Justice in New Jersey.

There is excellent reason to believe that "therapists" have lent their services to the torture of persons by means of systematic inflictions of psychological torments for the purposes of "learning from" victims -- some of whom are not charged with any crimes (until they can be framed for something, of course) -- or to extract information from them in violation of their human rights. Terry, you busy these days? How's Diana doing?

It is likely that courts know about such deliberate mistreatment and fail to prevent it, choosing instead to cover it up. How many persons sitting in New Jersey jails or with ruined lives have been questioned, illegally and secretly, by "forensic" psychiatrists and psychologists using hypnosis and drugs?

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