Sunday, June 04, 2006

On The Validity of Brain Scans as Proofs of Psychiatric Theories

As seen here

Dr. Grace Jackson, a psychiatrist and an expert on brain imaging, refutes the validity of the attempts by various psychiatrists to defend the "science" of their diagnoses by using comparative brain scans. Her article, which, I've linked below my own write-up, along with her references, is technical enough to leave many readers in the dark, so I've tried to put her main points into simple, non-technical language first, then link the article for those who want all the technical details. This way the data may be more usefully forwarded to others. Dr. Jackson doesn't go into the most basic lies in psychiatry's science, but since many may be impressed when a psychiatrist on TV holds up brain scans, it's useful to know a bit about the science and NON-science behind these scans.


A Curious Consensus: "Brain Scans Prove Disease"?
By Grace E. Jackson, MD

Right click here to download a copy of the article as PDF file.

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