Saturday, July 01, 2006

Former Air Force Cadet Testifies Before House Sub-Committee on Sexual Assault Within the Air Force

A most disturbing story

A freshman in the Air Force Academy in 1999, Davis reported being raped and sexually assaulted five times during the course of the year. She described a "cohesive effort against [her]" from the chain of command "all the way to the Pentagon" after she filed charges against her assailant. Upon the recommendation of the Air Force's legal offices, her case was closed after six months.

Davis said that an appointment was set up for her to see an Air Force psychologist; at the appointment, the psychologist admitted that he had been told by an officer that he had to come up with an analysis that would have her removed from the Academy.
She repeatedly stated that her entire career had been ruined. Her assailant, on the other hand, never faced any consequences for his actions; she stated that "[nothing] of substance has ever been done."

There's no political influence in psychology, not one bit.

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