Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Another Shrink in Hot Water

A report from Norway about a shrink in hot water

One ancient medical dictum is "Medice cura te ipse"; while this is formed as a provocative accusation ("Doctor, start with yourself") it still has a ring of truth to it; how can a smoking doctor have any credibility leading smoke-stopping classes; how can a medical alcoholic lead an institution devoted to curing alcoholism; and:

How can a psychologist help patient with problems concerning their personality borders when they have no borders themselves??

This psychologist is yet another example of the healer in need of healing himself. He has obviously been fornicating with two of his patients, something that is evidence of:

1) Stupidity
2) Disrespect for the patients (they come for help with their psyches, not their vaginas)
3) Disrespect for themselves (what kind of helper would f!!! his patients?)
4) Bloated egos (why not find a sexual partner outside the office, one being on an equal footing?)
5) Cowardice (see 4))
6) Blurry borders (lack of ability to separate one'w own needs from the patients's needs)

So, this is a no-no, and the psychologist in question ought to voluntarily relinquish his licence while seeking therapy. But better still, he should have been stopped at the entrance to the psych study.

Why is it that overt psychopaths and mental wrecks are still allowed into out med and psych schools, simply on the merit of their grades, while good and decent people are held back?

An english language summary about a norwegian event

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