Sunday, August 31, 2003

Executive Dysfunction Disorder

another psych disease which is more than likely a failure to grow up. As seen in this report in the Scotsman

Badly organised? Lacking in direction? Bad at planning your finances? Don’t despair, a cure to your ‘disease’ is at hand. American academics have labelled these common so-called symptoms ‘Executive Dysfunction’. The term is the latest to result from an American trend for naming apparently common human behaviour as a specific medical condition. [...]

Neurologist Dr Martha Bridge Denckla, of John Hopkins School of Medicine, treats children and teenagers with Executive Dysfunction. It refers to higher brain processes, and was previously used to describe patients with serious learning and other mental disabilities. But in recent years it has been taken up by teachers and parents seeking to explain under-performance at school or hyperactivity. [...]

She said: "What fascinates me is kids who attend good schools, go off to college with perfect Standard Assessment Tests and then flunk out in their first year because there is too little structure for their scattered minds. Being ‘on your own’ is a death knell for these kids."

If you never learn to make plans in your life, then you never develop the skills. You expect kids who never learned the skills to pick them up in just a few days when they go to college?

I can't be the only one who thinks that this is a failure in the education system, and in certain modern parenting philosophies.

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