Sunday, December 09, 2007

According to psychiatrists it’s all in your brain

Interesting short poem, seen here


Never blame the state
Never blame the culture
Never blame the society

Blame your parents
Blame your desires
Blame the chemicals in your brain
Blame your suppression of truth
Blame yourself

Never blame the state
Never blame the culture
Never blame the society
Where’s my $100 fee?
Please come again

Freud was a prelude to the modern state of mass deception
It took Freud and others to turn our critique inward
Every oppressive leader has him and others like him to thank
And thank them they do, with accreditation and money

According to psychiatrists it’s all in your brain
It’s all in your self-deception, so just talk to them
Just find the right pills, the right words, the right readjustment
To live a life of passive acquiescence - to live a life of money

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