Sunday, July 15, 2007

Christopher Walken on Psychiatrists

An amusing quote from actor Christopher Walken, known by many for playing edgy and often somewhat strange characters. As seen in this interview:

Is there a part you’d love to play?

CW: I’d like to play a psychiatrist. I think I’d be good in that role.

I went to a psychiatrist once and he was so strange I left.

I thought, ‘I can’t take your advice, you’re crazy.’ I didn’t need a psychiatrist, but somebody had said to me, ‘You should go and talk to this person.’ So I said, OK.

It was in his own apartment and the phone rang in another room and I could see into his kitchen and there were all these dirty dishes. He was obviously grubby, and I thought, you can’t tell me about my life if you can’t wash your dishes.

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