Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Feedom Center of Northhampton, Massachusetts

The Freedom Center is an organization focused on reforming the abuse of human rights of psychiatric patients

As described by Forbes Magazine,

The Freedom Center is one of a collection of grassroots organizations springing up across the country in reaction to the prevalance of medication in America. It alerts people to the downside of psychiatric drugs but does not try to force people off them: it seeks instead to help sufferers find the best methods of coping, even if their solution is unconventional by the standards of the medical establishment.
As they describe themselves:
We have a tiny budget and are all volunteer. We are people who are surviving and struggling with psych diagnoses and extreme states of consciousness. We receive more requests for advocacy, information, and other help than we can handle -- from throughout MA and beyond, even internationally sometimes. We have very limited resources and do what we can.

We are not a service agency or system bureaucracy and we do not have 'clients' or have any 'cases.' We do not have the resources to pick up the pieces where the system fails to help people. We are trying to change the system not fill in its gaps. We unfortunately have not choice but to turn down requests for advocacy help when we are at our volunteer capacity, or else we will burn out and not be able to help anyone.

We find this situation of not being able to help everyone who needs help and has the right to help very frustrating too, and we recommend you call the Director of the MA state Department of Mental Health Liz Sullivan, as well as your state and federal representatives, to complain.

Also, we are a mutual aid community of equals and we ask that everyone who receives any kind of help through the Freedom Center please turn around and help someone else in the future with your time, resources, or a money donation (money donations are always optional). This does not have to be 'officially' volunteering with the Freedom Center, it just means that in your life you need to turn around and help others when you've been helped and you're feeling able to do so. That way the whole world gets better.
They are one of a number of organizations who seem to have decent hearts and deserve your support.

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