Friday, February 20, 2015

Patient at Cavan hospital given ECT without proper medication

From a Report in the Irish Times

Inspectors at a psychiatric unit in Cavan General Hospital investigated a “serious” incident where a patient was administered electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) without the required muscle relaxant medication.

An unannounced inspection was carried out at the acute psychiartirc unit of the hospital on June 3rd and 4th 2014 .

Inspection of one individual clinical file found a detained patient had consented to a course of electroconvulsive therapy treatment.

The anaesthetist failed to administer the required muscle relaxant medication before one of the treatment sessions.

The medical record stated that the patient has complained of joint stiffness and that the consultant psychiatrist would inform the patient of the drug administration error.

“However, there was no record in the patient’s clinical file that this adverse incident has been discussed with the patient,” the report said.

At the request of the inspectors, a review report in relation to the incident was provided.

Inspectors said there was no record in the of the event entered in the incident log or reviewed by all relevant clinical personnel and the manager.

“The clinical governance in response to this incident appeared to be lax” the report said.

The Inspectorate Mental Health Services immediately requested a report on the incident from the clinical director and notified the Mental Health Commission of this “matter of serious concern”.

While it is good news that ECT is on the the decline, it is shocking that not only is it still practiced in Ireland, but that they cannot even follow their own safety rules

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