Friday, November 07, 2014

Robin Williams had the Anti-Depressant Mirtazapine in His Body When He Committed Suicide, According to Coroner's Toxicology Report

Recent major news reports have said that there were no drugs in the body of Mr. Williams, according to the just released toxicology report from the Coroner. A closer reading reveals that there were no illegal drugs in his system, but that there were certainly prescribed drugs.

As seen in this Report in Radar Online

Investigators found that he had been prescribed a variety of drugs, including lansoprazole, rapaflo, finasteride, amoxicillin, quetiapine, carbidopa, and mirtazapine.

Toxicology reports showed he had mirtazapine, desmethylmirtazapine, caffeine, and theobromine in his blood at the time of his death, but no alcohol.
And also in this report from the NY Daily New
Robin Williams had no illegal drugs or alcohol in his system when he hanged himself in a shocking suicide last August, the Marin County Coroner said.

The Oscar-winning actor had only prescription medications in his body and was suffering from depression, Parkinson’s disease and a "recent increase in paranoia,” the final autopsy report released Friday and obtained by the Daily News said.


Williams also “had complained in the past about not liking the way some of his medications made him feel,” the report said.

Toxicology testing found the antidepressant Mirtazapine as well as caffeine and the Parkinson’s mediation Levodopa in his blood.
The Marin County Sheriff's office issued this short press release {PDF] which was very short on details. We have never been a fan of AntiDepressants, especially as they do not seem to address the root causes of the Depression.

We are greatly saddened by the loss of Mr. Williams, and feel he could have been better served.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all of the media articles relating to a goole search with robin williams and drugs reveal that he didnt have any in his system. i guess thats a changing view of society, Beacause anti depressants are legal we dont see them as drugs. but they are, many highly addictive. suicide can be a side effect of them all unfortunately.