Sunday, March 09, 2008

8 Reasons to RUN from Anti-Depressants

While we DO NOT advocate for any alternatives in treatment for Depression, since we are, after all, not medical professionals, this video and related text is mostly valuable stuff - Reason 8 is a plug for the author's own system of how to breaking out of depression, which is available through the original link, so we will not list it here, (he plugs it in the video) As seen as on YouTube:

About This Video

1. They Don´t Work!
• Anti-depressants have no impact...

Almost 50 clinical trials were reviewed by psychologists from the UK's University of Hull, who found new-generation antidepressants worked no better than a placebo for most depressed patients.

See a few BBC Videos on this research and some other cool stuff:

The Original Research Document

• The UK Newspaper The Guardian reported on Feb.27, 2008 that the government yesterday released details of its £170m plan to train 3,600 more psychological therapists in the wake of a study showing that antidepressant drugs such as Prozac are no more effective than a placebo.
2. Big Pharma Lies!
• They routinely suppress the results of research which have negative results for their products.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the effectiveness of a dozen popular anti-depressants has been exaggerated by selective publication of favorable results, according to a review of unpublished data submitted to the Food and Drug Administration.

Among the many drugs that were found to have increased their effects as a result of selective publication and/or data manipulation:

Lexapro, Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor

Wall Street Journal link:
3. You are a Victim of Marketing!
• The New York Times reports that the diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder has increased 4000% in 10 years!

• USA Today report shows that as ad spending goes up, the more you ASK for specific medications:

• Big Pharma routinely pays many Psychiatrists:
Pharma paid $57 M to Medical Staff in Minesota alone (1997-2005)
4. Harmful Side Effects: Suicide, Murder, School Shootings

• Among people under 25, the risk of suicide doubles for those on anti-depressants:
The New York Times article:

• Unless you have been living under a rock....They are connected with most school shootings and many other murders.

Great ABC Report on School Shootings, Suicide, Murder

Here´s a link to SSRI Stories - a never-ending list of new items connecting anti-depressants to murder, suicide, etc...
5. Shrinks Still Have NO Test!
For More Info:
6. Quitting is a Bitch!
• This video shows just how bad the situation is:

• See also, Bipolar Blast and Furious Seasons among countless other blogs on this subject:
7. Long Term Therapy Works!
• The New York Times reports that psychotherapy for as long as nine months is significantly more effective than short-term treatment for alleviating depression associated with bipolar disease, new research suggests.

Reason 8 is a plug for the author's own system of how to breaking out of depression, which is available through the original link

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