An excellent satire and commentary in the World Net Daily about the state of modern psychiatry Here are some snippets:
Socrates (470-399 B.C.) was a famous Greek philosopher from Athens who taught Plato, and Plato taught Aristotle. Socrates used a method of teaching by asking questions. The Greeks called this form "dialectic" – starting from a thesis or question, then discussing ideas and moving back and forth between points of view to determine how well ideas stand up to critical review with the ultimate principle of the dialogue being veritas – Truth.
Socrates: We are gathered here today at my academy to discuss and hopefully resolve an exceedingly vexing societal problem: Are America's psychiatrists, psychologist and clinicians responsible doctors that promote healing, or licensed drug pushers that habitually over medicate their patients for craven expediency and crass monetary gain?
Psychiatric community: (collective gasp!) We didn't come here to be lectured to by you, Socrates! We are respected doctors of the community and will not have our integrity impugned by a mere philosopher.
Socrates: Indeed. Before we begin this symposium, I would like to direct your attention to the recent case of Rebecca Riley, a 4-year-old little girl who tragically died Dec. 13, 2006, from a fatal overdose of medicines her parents administered to their child to treat her so-called bipolar disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, including clonidine, valproic acid, depakote, dextromethorphan and chlorpheniramine.
As if the death of their only child wasn't enough to endure, now the little girl's parents and their psychiatrist have been brought up on charges of murder. My question to the members of this symposium is this – does medication = healing?
After a delicious parade of psychiatric heroes who explain their therapies, admitting that each of their therapies give "no regard to morality, religion or the metaphysical realm" we reach the conclusion:
We have heard from the five psychological schools of thought and the primary progenitors of each school, which all advocate in one form or another what Freud proposed: 1) all talk; 2) all drugs; 3) more talk/less drugs; 4) less talk/more drugs; 5) no talk/all drugs; 6) shock therapy; and 7) hypnotherapy.
Dr. Freud, since you and your progeny prefer to treat the symptoms rather than the cause of your patients' mental illness, this catastrophic state of affairs has only led an entire generation of people who in my day would be considered "normal" children in need of a parent's loving care, attention and protection, to instead be manipulated for craven medical expediency and crass financial gain by these legalized drug pushers, and condemned to an early grave.
Worth Reading in full.
While they may protest that they avoid "discussions of morality, religion or the metaphysical realm" in order to be scientific, they can hardly claim any success when much if not most of their practice has had the success rate of doing nothing at all, or in fact has been harmful. And is it any wonder that when you avoid dealing with morality, you wind up trapped by the consequences of immoral actions?