Tuesday, September 23, 2003

The most over-diagnosed group of mental illnesses ever?

As reported by Anne McIlroy, who is The Globe and Mail's science reporter.

Dr. Mintzes worries that the aggressive ad campaigns may promote drug use among relatively healthy people, and may "medicalize" normal human conditions. She points to an ad that GlaxoSmithKline, the makers of Paxil, ran in the New York Times Magazine after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks: "Millions suffer from chronic anxiety. Millions could be helped by Paxil," it read.

"At what point," Dr. Mintzes asks, "does an understandable response to distressing life events become an indication for drug treatment -- and a market opportunity?"

She has taken the same Paxil site "self-test" for anxiety that I did, as well as other diagnostic tests on the Web. Her results? "I need medication. No matter what the problem is, I have it."

We agree that neither of us has an anxiety disorder, or any need to talk to our doctors about our "symptoms." I find this comforting.

could the test be biased? who would think?

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