Friday, November 10, 2006

Are Taxpayer-Paid Pharmaceutical Drugs Worth Dying For?

A Press Release from C.E.P.T.A.

At the recent Campaign for the Effective Prevention and Treatment of Addiction conference at Gatwick, Kenneth Eckersley, CEPTA’s CEO, launched a vigorous attack on “the real reasons underlying NHS overspending and prison over-crowding”.

He pointed out that more and more prescribed drugs are curing fewer and fewer illnesses, because of the current psycho-pharmaceutical policy of disease and addiction “management” instead of the seeking of actual cures.

Eckersley said that psycho-pharm marketing heads had recognised that every time a patient is cured of his illness or an addict is cured of his habit, the pharmaceutical company loses a customer for the drug they have been supplying. As a result, it was decided that “treatment” which brings “relief” or “support” or which “manages” the illness or habit essentially throughout the lifetime of the individual, could be vastly more profitable than getting rid of the illness or addiction by curing it.

He went on to point out that this ensures the numbers of patients rise year by year, so that we continuously need more hospital premises, more equipment, more staff and of course more taxpayer paid drugs - the proof of which is plain for all to see.

“However”, he said, “there is another sinister side to the selling of drugs through the NHS”. “If”, he continued, “you were told that over 3,500 people are killed annually in U.K. road accidents, would it persuade you to give up driving? Or would you say: ‘Don’t be daft. I could never do without my car’? But if you were told that, on average, six times as many U.K. patients are killed by the side effects of legally prescribed pharmaceutical drugs - which seldom result in a cure - what would be your reaction?”

He went on to say that when “poorly”, we are regularly faced with what the pharmaceutical industry calls: “the risk-benefit” trade-off. i.e. the choice between experiencing the full benefits of a drug or being one of the 21,000 who will die from adverse side-effects.

And of course in addition to the deadly side effects, there are also the hundreds of thousands of instances of other incapacitating side-effects such as diarrhoea, vomiting, skin disorders, loss of hair and sleep, constipation, panic attacks, fits, low energy, over-activity, internal bleeding, apathy, headaches, increased blood pressure, noises in the ears and nervousness, etc., suffered every year by nearly one percent of the patient population.

As a result, we have a much better chance of being afflicted with a pharmaceutical side-effect than we have of winning the National Lottery. In fact one delegate called it “the National Health Side-Effects Lottery” where every year most U.K. families have a very good chance of one of their members experiencing a debilitating side-effect.

“Furthermore”, Eckersley pointed out, “because drug companies are now selling prescription drugs to relieve the side-effects of other prescription drugs, there are even more chances of experiencing side-effects from the extra drugs sold to counteract the patient’s other drug side-effects, etc., etc.”

“This”, he said, “is called ‘maximising sales’, and is just part of the change which started to take place in the drugs industry immediately after the last war.”

The expansion of illegal ‘recreational’ drug sales, attracted pharma’s attention to the fact that their sale of drugs was being limited to sick people, and it was decided to explore the possibility of creating a market amongst the vast majority of us who are not actually ill – including our children.

Psychiatric proposals to concentrate on the relief of symptoms rather than the curing of causes were helped by the American Psychiatric Association which was busily inventing spurious new conditions which they publish in their ever expanding ‘Statistical and Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders’ that lists conditions such as ADHD, ADD & SAD, etc.

This also attracted pharmaceutical attention to the fact that they were limiting their offerings to bodily ailments and that there was a whole new field of mental illnesses for which drugs could also likely be prescribed by their psychiatric allies and probably also by local G.Ps.

But the wide variety of anti-depressants and other psycho-active drugs prescribed on a daily or weekly basis, have produced their own new forms of side effects. Taking a knife, but most often a gun, with which to start murdering family, friends, fellow pupils and colleagues is now increasingly revealed as a response to the ingestion of psycho-pharmaceutical drugs, or a response to trying to withdraw from such a drug. Hence the rise of Prozac Victims & Survivors Groups.

Developing from these sorts of considerations there has also arisen the idea of selling drugs to help you feel “normal”!

Implementation over the last half century, of new marketing policies, coupled with the adoption of psychiatry as the principle pusher of pharmaceutical drugs, has resulted in a plethora of drugs all competing for taxpayer funds, and thus increasing the escalation of side-effect incidents from year to year.

“So it is not just illegal and licensed drugs which deprive our population of the drug-free society it needs and expects. The psycho-pharmaceutical industries, their P.R. and lobbying agencies, and their influencing of physicians, politicians and civil servants already make prescription pharmaceutical drugs an equally devastating menace to our way of life and our country’s prosperity,” says Eckersley.

The conference concluded by unanimously approving the statement:
“Addicts are the underlying cause of increasing crime and the escalating need for more and more prison places. And addict numbers will increase in prisons, in hospitals and in our communities to the degree that drug companies succeed with their plans to put every citizen on a daily drug prescription – for life.”

About C.E.P.T.A.
To create a drug-free society we need only to cure existing addicts whilst ensuring that no more youngsters take up drug usage. This means developing and promoting EFFECTIVE prevention and EFFECTIVE cures.

C.E.P.T.A. came into being when studies revealed that effective prevention and treatment had already existed in various countries for over 50 years, but were being suppressed in Europe, not only by producers and traffickers of illicit drugs, but also by commercial interests whose production levels and profitability depend upon increasing the sale of all forms of drugs, with no regard to the increasing number of addicts thus threatening our society.

C.E.P.T.A. (The Campaign for the Effective Prevention & Treatment of Addiction) was therefore founded by concerned E.U. citizens for the purpose of contradicting and exposing vested interest political lobbying and misleading P.R. campaigns which deliberately hide the failure to cure of current psycho-pharmaceutical “treatments” whilst also promoting drug liberalisation via so-called “harm reduction” and related “drugs education” - instead of providing real prevention training.

For more information, contact:

Ken Eckersley
The Campaign for the Effective Prevention & Treatment of Addiction

Phone & Fax: +44 01342 811099 – 24 Hour Answering Service.

1 comment:

Danny Haszard said...

My issue is Zyprexa which is only FDA approved for schizophrenia (.5-1% of pop) and some bipolar (2% pop) and then an even smaller percentage of theses two groups.
So how does Zyprexa get to be the 7th largest drug sale in the world?

Eli Lilly is in deep trouble for using their drug reps to 'encourage' doctors to write zyprexa for non-FDA approved 'off label' uses.

The drug causes increased diabetes risk,and medicare picks up all the expensive fallout.There are now 7 states (and counting) going after Lilly for fraud and restitution.

Daniel Haszard